2016/4/14 LCCI_examiniation_timetable_January_2016
·Timeline of LCCI Financial & Quantitative qualifications
2015/3/6 Pearson LCCI Financial and Quantitative qualifications are being redeveloped in stages. Qualifications in the first stage are; Certificate in Book-Keeping, Certificate in Book-Keep...
2014/11/30 LCCI-newsletter-november-2014 LCCI-newsletter-november-2014
·Malaysia: First Certificate for Teachers of Business English
2014/2/17 LCCI国际商务英语教师资格证书FTBE(First Certificate for Teachers of Business English)骨干教师培训在2014年重新起航!2014年3月17日至3月20日在新加坡举行FTBE培训会议,2014年3月21日至3月...
·LCCI 颁奖典礼
2013/12/11 10 月 18 日,在九龙港青酒店会堂举办了 2013 年度香港 LCCI 颁奖典礼。45 位杰出的香港学生荣获 LCCI 奖牌和优胜证书。作为本年度 LCCI 考试中表现出类拔萃的优胜者,他们从全世界数万 LCCI 毕...
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